Vehicle Procurement
Seamless automated process, irrespective of funding method.
Our multi-award winning vehicle procurement system, MOVE, ‘Makes Operating Vehicles Easy’! Whether you’re looking to lease or purchase your vehicles, the system links directly with providers to ensure a smooth ordering process.
In brief
- A fully managed solution – benefit from the price advantages of multi-supply and the operational ease of a single point of contact.
- Managed on one single IT platform – our online fleet management system. Far easier than vehicles being spread across the systems of each of the various contract hire suppliers.
- Drivers see it as a ‘single supply’ service because all orders are managed by the Fleet Operations team.
The route to true savings
A typical approach to vehicle procurement using single source supply can initially appear to be the common-sense economical way to go. However, such agreements, which typically run for 3-4 years, often commence with pricing set at a relatively low level but then become subject to significant increases over the life of the contract.
Our multi-bid approach to sourcing ensures that we trawl the market for the best and most appropriate procurement terms, ensuring that you are afforded the best possible terms that are available at any particular point.
MOVE Technology
The application of our MOVE system, which is directly accessible by your driver force, makes the whole procurement process efficient, effective and transparent.